Customer Testimonials

Jeanette E. Estill came to us as a second owner of a home we had custom built for another customer. The original owner transferred only six months after closing on their new home. Here is what she has to say:

...."Thanks for coming immediately to discuss my concerns regarding my home. Thanks in advance for handling the repairs. It is truly comforting to know that the builders is concerned about the property after it has sold."

Jeanette E. Estill

....John and Christine Shypski's original design was very different from the home we actually built for them. They came to us after seeing one of our "Fairfield" plan. After a simple yet detailed process of customizing their home for them they chose one of our other designs. Not only did they change designs but they looked at every room, door, corner, and faucet, and made sure that the home we were to build for them was as unique as the land we were to build it on. Here are their comments about their experience:

...."When they say "custom", they really mean it! The Storrs' never told us "no, we can't do that" They worked patiently with us to add the details we wanted. They built our home special and unique for us."

John and Christine Shypski

....Bill & Donna Gulledge moved from Florida to Connecticut to build a new custom home with us. They had great ideas of a custom "saltbox type" home with all the trimmings. Since Bil & Donna had built before, they had wonderful ideas to work from and understood many of the quirks of building a custom home.

.... " We are very pleased with the quality of our home, Phoenix Home builderss delivered above my expectations."

Bill Gulledge

Ken and Midge Pellegrino came to us ........

* My realtor and friend of 20 years said Dan Storrs is the only person you want to build a house with. She was right!
* My prior experiences with building and renovating commercial and residential spaces were loaded with problems, but building with Dan and Bob was free from any major problems.
* The project was within 0.5% of budget.
* There were no big surprises!
* The choice of vendors and the allowances were of excellent quality and ample in quantity.
* The workmanship in all phases of building was of outstanding quality. The finish work was especially excellent.
* The preparation and site work was superb with adjustments making improvements on our original plan.
* Dan and Bob were easy to talk to and work with, and were very willing to make changes to meet our whims.
* The organization of the project was comprehensive and cohesive through their Homeowner's Portfolio, and facilitated making the many necessary decisions.
* When I told my accountant of our plans to build our dream house, he said he had a sweatshirt for me entitled, "I've survived". When the house was done I called him and told him to keep the sweatshirt for someone else, and I was keeping my dream house.